Raise your profit margin and increase employee productivity by motivating them in ways that actually work.

How motivation can lead to profit: Your guide to driven employees

January 23, 2023 12:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you think of your business and what factors drive success, you may not think about your team's motivation levels — but you definitely should. Highly motivated employees seek out opportunities to complete tasks and get jobs done, and it all starts with how company leaders inspire that type of work environment.

According to Gallup, nearly half of U.S. employees have been actively searching for new jobs in the last two years, with disengaged employees at the highest risk of leaving their companies. That means it's vital for small business owners to find effective methods to keep their team energized, invested and productive. Here are some tips to try out:

motivationMotivated employees can be a huge asset to your company.

Great employee benefits

Offering benefits to employees can be a great way to help them feel valued and important to the company. This could include pay raises, bonuses, stock options or health plans that go above and beyond the typical offerings. On top of these benefits, giving generous and stable pay to team members can palpably demonstrate their worth to your business.

Goal setting

Your employees may be doing exactly what they want to do in their careers — which is wonderful. But, maybe they have objectives that they're unable to achieve right now. Partner with the people you work with to better understand what it is that they want out of their role, and then help them reach those goals by working with them daily.

Another important part of improving employee motivation is setting clear, attainable goals for each team member. As the leader of a company, you must ensure everyone underneath you knows what's expected of them and has the appropriate tools for success.

Hear from employees

Small business owners and managers hold lots of power in the palm of their hands — and they must wield it responsibly. Regularly interacting with your employees will help you do so. Whether it's regarding a problem with another staff member or an issue with a task, the people who work for you should know you care. Being engaged demonstrates your ability to be an effective leader as someone who's in touch with employee concerns.

Feedback is a huge part of earning this status. Intentionally request your team member's thoughts on their working conditions, improvements that could be made and how your leadership style impacts their ability to do their jobs. You can also ask employees if they have everything they need to be successful and work at maximum efficiency. Ultimately, show your staff that you hear and support them by being available.

For further advice about your business, feel free to contact the Law Offices of Donald W. Hudspeth, P.C.

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