Here are 5 simple ways to help your small business go green.

5 easy ways for your small business to promote sustainability

February 5, 2022 2:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Recently, small businesses have taken the lead on finding more sustainable approaches to how they operate. While going green offers environmental benefits, it also has the power to increase profits, create new business opportunities, and be more attractive to today's buyers.

According to a survey completed by IMB, nearly 70% of consumers in the United States said that it's important for a brand to be sustainable or environmentally friendly. The study showed the changing behaviors of today's consumers, noting that 69% of buyers said they were willing to pay a premium for recycled products.

Although it will take time and continuing effort for sustainability to benefit your bottom line, there are many small, immediate actions you can take to get the ball rolling. Here are 5 quick ways to start going a little greener today:

Recycled shipping materials are an easy way to promote sustainability.Recycled shipping materials are an easy way to promote sustainability.

Use sustainable packaging
If your business offers a physical product, you're well aware that packaging and shipping is a large portion of your operation. This includes the packaging that's used to get products from manufacturers to you as well as the supplies needed to get your product out to consumers.

According to Sendle, the most commonly used packaging products today are recyclable. Other eco-friendly options include reusable and compostable mailers and packaging peanuts.

Go paperless
A simple way to make your current customer base aware of your efforts is to let them know your business is going paperless. Whether you send newsletters, advertisements or billing paperwork, changing to strictly digital communication is a quick and easy switch. In addition to the environmental benefits, going paperless can also offer economic advantages to your business.

Offer remote work
If you have employees or work from an office space yourself, offering remote work can bring sustainability into your business culture. By minimizing commuting times, you can easily reduce your office's carbon footprint, while also promoting better work-life balance for staff. If exclusive remote work isn't possible, consider "work from home Fridays." Even one day with fewer cars on the road can make a difference.

Partner with other green businesses
If your company is new to sustainability, partner with other businesses that are known for their efforts. Consumers will be able to associate your partner's eco-friendly actions with your brand, putting you on the radar as a sustainable small business.

Offer public transportation benefits
There are several ways to encourage employees to take the train and bus or use car-sharing options. You can provide a monthly stipend to pay for bus passes and train fare or promote carpooling within the office. Check with your local city transit agency to see if they offer subsidized passes for business in your area.

As your business takes on new approaches to growing its bottom line, it's important to have proper legal representation. Contact the professionals at The Law Offices of Donald W. Hudspeth, P.C. today.

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