Falls are particularly common - and deadly - in the construction industry.

September is National Fall Prevention Month

September 28, 2018 2:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a business owner, the weeks can sometimes seem like they blend into one, given the flow of day-to-day operations. But certain portions of the year hold particular circle-on-the-calendar status.

September certainly fits into this category. That's because it's National Fall Prevention Month. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration and other safety agencies sees it fitting to dedicate the entire month to its observance, and for good reason, based on some eye-opening statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the National Safety Council:

  • Slip and fall accidents result in more injuries and death to older Americans than any other cause.
  • Falls are the third leading cause of accidental injury-related deaths.
  • 12 percent of fatal falls in 2014, the most recent year for which data was available, were from heights of 6 feet or less.
  • The top three industries that led to the most injuries due to falls during the same year were construction (22,330 injuries), manufacturing (23,290) and wholesale trade (14,360).

Falls are both extremely serious and disturbingly common. To reduce their regularity, the OSHA mandates that certain protections be in place so workers are aware of activities or circumstances that may cause injury or worse. These include signage and, in some cases, training, teaching workers about basic best practices. Failure to implement them can result in costly fines and penalties.

As you might imagine, installing these protections is easier said than done, particularly if you're just starting a business. Hudspeth Law Firm can make it much simpler. Please get in touch with us and we'll help your business achieve full compliance.

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