5 time management strategies to improve productivity in your small business

5 time management strategies to improve productivity in your small business

March 10, 2023 4:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What do you do when you become overwhelmed and cannot excel in your business? That's a trick question; you never want to reach the point of burnout or lose your motivation to achieve your business goals. As a small business owner, you may find yourself wearing multiple hats and struggle with a lack of time to get everything done. Hence, if you are serious about your business' success, time management should be one of your top-shelf skills.

According to Forbes, business leaders initially struggle to effectively manage their time and streamline their process. But once they master this art, they will stress less, get more done in less time, make better decisions and expand their business.

Here are five time management strategies to improve productivity in your small business:

Create realistic goals

There is a difference between setting goals and setting realistic goals. Realistic goals target and align with your business priorities and resources, allowing you to focus on objectives better and faster. With realistic goals, you will also be encouraged to break down large to-do lists into smaller, more achievable steps to help you stay motivated and on track.

Create schedules

As Tempo explains, multi taskers are 45% less productive than those who take one step at a time. So, once you've set realistic goals, the next step is to create a schedule to achieve them. A schedule helps you plan your tasks, prioritize your work and allocate specific times for each activity. Scheduling can also help you avoid procrastination and ensure you progress toward your goals.


Business owners often feel pressured to do everything independently, which is a productivity killer. You have to maintain the mindset that with one, it's good, but with a few more, it can be great. This will help you become comfortable with assigning tasks to others who are better equipped to handle them. Whether done internally or through a third-party provider, delegation helps you to prioritize your workload and focus on tasks that align with your strengths and priorities.

A man in suit working with alarm clock on desk.

Leverage technology

In today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and it's only wise to use them to the best of our advantage. In fact, 94% of small business owners admit that technology improves efficiency in their business per the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. So, if you are ready to streamline your workflow and save time in your businesses, utilize scheduling apps, email auto responders and social media management software. Time-tracking tools can also help you identify time-wasters and allocate your time more effectively.


Rest is one of the most important techniques to improve productivity — you can't pour from an empty cup. Scheduling rest or downtime will help you to recharge, improve your focus and be physically and mentally prepped for each task. Thus, keeping you on top of your business agenda. Rest doesn't only mean sleep, so consider taking short breaks throughout the day to meditate, walk or stretch. Also, if you can, take regular vacations or time off work.

If you are ready to achieve success in your small business, contact the Law Offices of Donald W. Hudspeth, P.C.

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