4 Tips to Help Small Businesses Maintain Company Culture Virtually
March 24, 2022 4:55 pm Leave your thoughts
Company culture has the ability to influence nearly every corner of your small business. From employee retention to marketability, the characteristics of your organization help define what your brand stands for and how it operates. According to Statisa, company culture is a "set of shared values, goals and attitudes that characterize an organization." As more employees turn to permanent remote work, company culture can be weakened with staff working from multiple locations.
Thankfully, flexible working options doesn't have to mean total deterioration of your small business' company culture. With a few tweaks and conscious effort, you can keep the morale of your organization strong and thriving. Here are four quick tips to create, build and maintain company culture in today's modern workplace:
Schedule face-to-face time. If your company is operating remotely or in a hybrid environment, be sure to have set time aside for productive face-to-face interactions. This can mean holding important meetings in person or via video conferencing, or bringing the team together for non-work related experiences. Face-to-face time helps staff get to know one another and build stronger relationships in and out of the workplace.
Communicate company goals throughout the year. Staff and employees are the heart of your company and the driving force to get the organization to where you want it to be. Because of this, it's vital to communicate goals, values and metrics with the team multiple times throughout the year. This can help them feel as if they are a part of your vision and makes staff more likely to buy into your goals.
Hire the right people. According to Built In, 91% of US managers agreed that an applicant's alignment with their company culture is as important or more important than their skills and experience. Leaders feel that many skills can be taught or obtained once hired, while values cannot. In order to build and maintain the culture your organization is striving for, bring in those who exemplify those traits and will positively impact the company.
Have a central place to communicate. One of the main strains that remote small businesses experience is communication disconnect. Designate a central place for your employees to reach out to you and one another throughout the day for more casual matters. Whether this is through an instant messaging platform or an online discussion board, ease of communication lets employees chat regularly and build a sense of company culture with one another.
Creating company culture, whether your company is operating in-person or remotely, is a key aspect of running a successful business. Another important tool is having the proper representation as you scale and grow your organization. The professionals at Hudspeth Law Firm practice in business law exclusively. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
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