3 tips that can help generate some buzz for your new startup
December 16, 2014 10:32 am Leave your thoughts
The nice thing about the 21st century startup culture is that entrepreneurs have never had it more easy to launch a new tech company, carve out a niche for it and help it grow into a successful business. That isn't to say it's a completely simple process, but there are so many opportunities now to create and cultivate a new startup that ambitious-minded entrepreneurs are realizing their dreams every day. The downside to this is that more entrepreneurs are realizing their dreams every day — in other words, there's more competition out there, which can drown out any noise you're looking to make with your own company.
Effective marketing is part-and-parcel with any thriving company, and generating some buzz from the onset is critical to your startup's future. You might not have a PR war chest or a dedicated team of marketing gurus at your disposal, but that's no reason why you can't get some good word of mouth going for your business. Here are three tips from Jonathan Long, founder and CEO of Market Domination Media, that all startup owners should consider for making good PR:
- Know your media audience: Identifying your product's target audience is Business 101, but nearly just as important is knowing who your media audience is — those journalists and news outlets who are most likely to pick up on your company and talk about it on a regular basis. Draft a shortlist of popular news sites and blogs in your industry, read their columns and track their social media followings to find the media outlets that make the most sense for you. Once you've narrowed it down to the best fits, send them your pitch, specifically tailored to each journalist or writer.
- Use Twitter: "Twitter is also a great platform to use for identifying windows of opportunity," writes Long. "Imagine if your startup is involved in cyber security and you noticed every major media journalist was publishing a story related to the recent cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment? Cyber-security startups should be pounding the pavement hard right now looking for every opportunity they can find."
- Stats are your friend: Don't be afraid of numbers. Incorporating statistics and hard data into your business pitches may sound dry and boring on paper, but it's the clearest way to communicate how solvent and financially viable your company is, after all.
One of the most essential elements for any rising entrepreneur is to employ a small business attorney that can cater to their needs. The business world is fraught with potential legal pitfalls, and having a professional at your side that can best inform you of — and navigate you around — these issues can pay for itself in the long run.
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