NY town bans fast-casual restaurants
April 10, 2013 10:44 am Leave your thoughts
With many communities shifting their bylaws to encourage healthier eating options for their citizens, it's not unheard of for some municipalities to enact ordinances that ban fast food restaurants from opening locations in certain areas. Eastchester, New York is one town that has banned such businesses from opening their doors. However, in a recent decision, the local government has decided to take that legislation a step further, moving to ban fast-casual restaurants.
Under the new law, eateries such as Panera Bread, Cosi, Five Guys Burgers and Chipotle will be barred from setting up shop in Eastchester. According to town supervisor Anthony Colavita, the decision to ban both types of eateries was based upon officials' beliefs that such businesses do not fit with the image and atmosphere that they hope to create in the town.
"Generally speaking you have a corporate driven architecture, you have a milliard decor, it's a plastic bubble menu, it generates a lot of noise, pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic and it diminishes the character of the community," Colavita said.
The letter of the new law appears to back Colavita's statements in proving that the decision to bar most businesses was one based on generating a healthy community, not fostering low-calorie food options. For example, eateries such as Dunkin Donuts, which place little emphasis on healthy food options, will not be affected by the ruling.
However, according to The Journal News, pre-existing fast-casual restaurants will be grandfathered in and will be allowed to remain open.
For local companies, it's important to keep tabs on the latest developments from governments looking to change their bylaws in an effort to restrict certain businesses. The best way to know which markets must overcome legal hurdles to open a new location is to work with a Phoenix small business attorney.
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