Businesses are advised to avoid including harmful chemicals in products

September 24, 2012 3:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Businesses should consider listening to the concerns of the public and ensuring that their products and services align with the ideas and desires of their consumers. Some companies have taken on environmentally-friendly options in order to appease their customers and possibly lower costs. Otherwise, a business may find a lawsuit on their hands, as some customers may be harmed by a particular product. In such cases, Arizona companies should consult professionals at a Phoenix business law firm.

For instance,  Seventh Generation, a manufacturer of safer household and personal care products, commissioned a study that showed 64 percent of surveyed U.S. citizens are either "concerned" or "very concerned" with dangerous chemicals and petroleum-based ingredients found in common household products, including baby care appliances.

"The level of concern voiced by the American public represents a mandate for immediate, sweeping systemic change," Seventh Generation CEO John Replogle said in a press release issued by the company. "It's a big issue with consumers. And it's getting bigger."

However, with the growing concern of remaining healthy found amongst the American population, the food manufacturing industry is not sitting back. As previously reported in this blog, the South Dakota-based Beef Products Inc (BPI) has sued the ABC news station for alleged defamation.

The Independent reported that Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution played a major role in the alleged false statements, as this television broadcast showed that BPI's centrifuge system was similar to a washing machine. The final straw for this company was when Jamie Oliver called the beef product "pink slime" and claimed household ammonia was used to eliminate bacteria from the meat.

Businesses in Arizona that have been accused of selling products containing harmful chemicals may want to consult Phoenix business law attorneys who have experience in dispute resolution.

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