Apple wins patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung

August 27, 2012 3:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Patent infringement is a major issue that businesses need to avoid or else end up paying dearly in court. Business owners should also know that if they find any company infringing upon their intellectual property, they have full rights to pursue legal action. In such cases, consulting a Phoenix business lawyer could prove useful. Apple is one such company that found its patents being infringed upon.

Recently, Apple won a lawsuit against Samsung when jurors found that the manufacturer infringed upon six patents, according to the Los Angeles Times. While iPad and iPhone developer Steve Jobs may not have been present to see the victory, he did pursue legal proceedings against Samsung when he discovered that Apple's intellectual property had been stolen.

"I am going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go to thermonuclear war on this," Jobs told Walter Isaacson, author of the Apple co-founder's biography. "They are scared to death, because they know they are guilty."

The news source cited that the award of $1 billion is the largest one ever seen in intellectual property cases in all of history. Samsung, however, is looking to appeal this decision. Experts say that this win may cause greater challenges in the future, as patent suits regarding smartphones are currently taking place all over the world.

Analysts and experts spoke to ZDNet on their predictions for the implications regarding this final ruling. Experts explain that Samsung will now proceed with software modifications regarding the products whose patents were infringed upon.

Arizona businesses that have found their patents infringed upon or have been accused of stealing intellectual property will need to confer with Phoenix business law attorneys to protect their products and company image.

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