Pfizer settles lawsuits over HRT drug

June 27, 2012 9:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Drug manufacturers have one of the most important duties to their consumers. If produced medications get released to the market without adequate testing or FDA approval, prescription drugs could harm the health of many consumers. This is why drug manufacturers must adhere to many regulations before releasing medicine. Any pharmaceutical companies that have been implicated in medical malpractice may need to utilize the services of a Phoenix business lawyer.

For instance, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer has been accused of producing and selling hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medication that causes breast cancer development. The company faced around 10,000 lawsuits filed by women that survived breast cancer and families of deceased breast cancer victims, according to NewsInferno. Currently, Pfizer is providing settlements for the plaintiffs.

The pharmaceutical paid $896 million to approximately 60 percent of the breast cancer survivors who allege that the HRT drug Prempro caused their disease. HRT medication has been provided to women in the past to treat menopausal symptoms. After the discovery of its link with breast cancer, however, such prescription drugs have not been recommended by most doctors.

"The major study was conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and determined that some HRT medications significantly increased risks of stroke, blood clots, heart attacks, and breast cancer," the news source stated. "The results were so alarming that the NIH canceled the study, citing risk to the study’s participants."

As for the remaining 4,000 lawsuits, Pfizer has set aside $440 million to settle the cases. Specifically, the litigation states that women were not provided appropriate information on the health risks of taking Prempro.

Any other companies in Arizona that are facing accusations over their products similar to Pfizer may need to contact a business law attorney in Phoenix.

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