Arizona Senate passed bill preventing specific medical malpractice lawsuits

May 22, 2012 11:55 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Businesses and various organizations across the United States have a duty to their consumers to provide accurate and honest information. As such, business owners may also gain customer and investor complaints if they withhold information. Companies in the midst of disputes with investors may need the help of a business lawyer in Phoenix.

While companies should not withhold information, it seems that a recent bill passed by the Arizona Senate is asking doctors to take a different approach. This bill will ban medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors who withheld information from a pregnant woman that may have led her to have an abortion.

This lawsuit legislation was passed by the Arizona Senate 20-9 in early March. This type of legislation became law in nine different states and is currently being considered by Kansas lawmakers, according to the Huffington Post.

Senator Nancy Barto of Phoenix supports this legislation, claiming that she does not believe parents should blame a doctor for a child born with disabilities. Along with parents' inability to sue a doctor who withheld information about a potential reason for the mother to get an abortion, the legislation includes a clause that would not allow a lawsuit to be filed on behalf of a child's disability.

This legislation is receiving opposition from a number of government officials including Representative Matt Heinz, a physician.

"I cannot think of a time that it is right to withhold information from a patient that would cause them pain or death," Heinz told the news source. "That is not consistent with the Hippocratic Oath."

While certain legislation may bring different practices to the medical profession, businesses may be held accountable if information is withheld from consumers. Companies in Phoenix in the midst of a dispute with customers, clients or investors may need to partner with a small business law firm.

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